Pet No-Needle Acupuncture
A less-invasive form of acupuncture to provide your pet with much needed relief.
Less Invasive, Just as Effective
About No-Needle Acupuncture
While traditional acupuncture can be a great way to improve your pet’s wellness and overall quality-of-life, the idea of using needles may be off-putting to some pet owners. That is why the vetdash team is proud to offer no-needle acupuncture services to our wonderful patients!
Used for treating chronic conditions or sudden illness, no-needle acupuncture uses a therapeutic laser to stimulate each desired acupuncture point. Contact us today to schedule a no-needle acupuncture appointment!
Some of the specific conditions no-needle acupuncture can treat:
- Arthritis
- Disc Disease
- Nerve Injuries
- Paralysis
- Back Pain
- Lameness
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Kidney Disease
- Inappetence
- Stress and anxiety
- Respiratory Disorders/Infections
- Wounds
Acupuncture FAQs from the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society
About IVAS
What is veterinary acupuncture?